Burnt Orange Leptastrea
The Burnt Orange Leptastrea, is an LPS species, even though its polyps are reasonable small in comparison to others.
They are fast growing and will encrust onto the rockwork, making them a good candidate for propagation.
They are a mix of stunning shades of bright orange and brown, creating a striking contrast that really 'pops' under the blue spectrum.
This coral generally comes from shallow water, therefore needs good lighting, and high flow is very important to maintain optimum health, as the flow will keep detritus from settling on them.
In addition to this, it will also require the correct levels of Calcium, Alkalinity, and Magnesium along with various other trace elements found in natural seawater.
Additional feeding isn't required to maintain its health, as they get the majority of their food from photosynthesis.
They will feed on micro-plankton and very fine coral foods.
Be sure to keep an eye on your nutrient levels though, as excessive nutrients can cause it to lose colouration.
Care Level - Medium
Flow - Strong & intermittent
Lighting - Medium to High
Temperament - Aggressive
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