Purple Pocillopora
Pocillopora's physical structure is made of thin fragile branches which as they grow, intertwine and then eventually clump together.
It is one of the fastest growing SPS coral's (small polyp stony) and this one has a mixture of green and purple polyps, with the purple ones being the more dominant colour.
It's has been growing in my tank since October 2016 and during this time its been grown under both T5's and LED's.
Under each of these, it has flourished with both rapid growth and good colouration.
This coral needs good lighting and moderate flow to maintain optimum health, however, is more forgiving than some of the other SPS species.
In addition to this, it will also require the correct levels of Calcium, Alkalinity, and Magnesium along with various other trace elements found in natural seawater.
Additional feeding isn't required to maintain its health, as they get the majority of their food from photosynthesis. However, they will feed on micro-plankton and very fine coral foods.
Be sure to keep an eye on your nutrient levels though, as excessive nutrients can cause it to lose colouration.
Care Level - High
Flow - Strong & intermittent
Lighting - High
Temperament - Peaceful
Frags of this coral are 1 inch and are glued to frag plugs
Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided.