Love Blossom Bernardpora
For years Bernardpora have been a bit of an enigma to the saltwater aquarist, with some thriving for years, with others dying almost instantly.
The key to their success appears to be finding one which has acclimated to a life in captivity.
This specimen has been in captivity for a while, therefore has passed this initial delicate stage and still appears to be thriving.
It is an LPS coral (Large polyp stony) which is commonly called a flowerpot coral due to its resemblance to a bouquet of flower.
They are known for coming in a wide variety of dramatic colours, with this one being a vibrant pink with a blue disc.
They can adjust to a wide range of lighting however, flow is very important to maintain optimum health, as the flow will keep detritus from settling on them.
In addition to this, it will also require the correct levels of Calcium, Alkalinity, and Magnesium along with various other trace elements found in natural seawater.
Additional feeding is advised to maintain its health
They may feed on micro-plankton and very fine coral foods.
Be sure to keep an eye on your nutrient levels though, as excessive nutrients can cause it to lose colouration.
Care Level - High
Flow - Medium
Lighting - Medium
Temperament - Peaceful
Frags of this coral are 1.5cm and are glued to frag plugs
Due to variations within species, your frag may not look identical to the image provided.