Orange Lipped Fungia
Orange Lipped Fungia
Orange Lipped Fungia

Orange Lipped Fungia

Regular price £75

The Orange lipped Fungia has a green background with an orange mouth. 

This coral has an interesting back story as it was grown from a dead coral skeleton, the original piece appeared to have completely died, only for a few months later lots of smaller ones started to appear. 

Fungai corals are found in a variety of different colourations, and have the ability to move to a different location if they aren't happy

This coral needs appropriate lighting and moderate flow to maintain optimum health.

In addition to this, it will also require the correct levels of Calcium, Alkalinity, and Magnesium along with various other trace elements found in natural seawater.

Additional feeding isn't required to maintain its health however it will feed on micro-plankton and very fine coral foods. 

Be sure not to place it too close to other corals as at night it will release its sweeper tentacles which are approximately 1cm long. 


Care Level - Moderate

Flow - Medium 

Lighting - Medium 

Temperament - Non-aggressive but will sit on other corals on the sand bed


This coral is 1inch, however, it can inflate to 2 inches in the right environment 

Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided.

Orange Lipped Fungia